Admissions Overview

Thank you for your interest in Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School!

Read this page carefully to learn about the admissions process, from doing a campus tour to preparing for your child’s first day.

Admissions Process

1. Request Information

Fill out this form, and we’ll contact you to discuss the school and schedule a tour.

Be sure to do these first few steps first before submitting the online application (step 4).

2. Tour the School

You’ll walk our campus, peek in a few classrooms, and learn more about our community.

3. Meet Us

You’ll meet with our headmaster Thomas Curtin and our pastor Fr. Longenecker.

4. Online Application

Submit the online application with the $100 application fee, which covers any cost of testing/assessment.

5. Transcripts

Email the following to

  • Transcripts from the applicant’s prior school(s) for the last three years
  • Standardized test scores for the last three years as available
  • In the case of homeschooling students, a detailed report including courses taken, curriculum utilized, and level of achievement

6. Testing & Placement

Once an application is submitted and it has been determined there is room in the grade level applied, OLR will schedule testing and campus visits as needed to fully evaluate a prospective student’s fit for the school.

Shadow days may be offered when feasible or necessary to complete the evaluation of the applicant.

7. FACTS Family Portal

After a student is accepted for admission and parents choose to enroll, they will receive an invitation to the FACTS Family Portal, our school-parent communication system, and set up a payment plan.

8. Enrollment Fee to Hold Spot

Submit the $450 enrollment fee in order to hold the student’s spot.

9. Summer Work

Summer work information, school supply lists, and forms needed for the next school year are sent home early in the summer.

Priority in Admissions

Our Lady of the Rosary School is a mission of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church.

In consideration of this mission, we prioritize admission to families who:

  • Strive continually to live according to the teachings of the Catholic faith,
  • Participate meaningfully in the life of our parish,
  • Seek to enroll all their eligible children in our school, and
  • Model respectful partnership with our teachers and administration.

Faithful implementation of the admission policy ensures that Our Lady of the Rosary School remains a community of Catholic families who are able to grow together in holiness and friendship within our parish during the years of their children’s education and beyond.

Faithful Families Scholarship

Catholic education should be affordable, including for large families.

That’s why we have the Faithful Families Scholarship, which covers tuition for all but the two eldest children enrolled in the school, Kindergarten through 12th grade.

Tuition & Financial Aid

Our Lady of the Rosary is committed to keeping tuition affordable for all families.

Now Accepting Applications for 2025-2026

Every year, more students apply to Our Lady of the Rosary than we are able to accept. We feel blessed to be able to serve so many wonderful students but are equally disappointed that we cannot welcome all applicants due to classroom limitations. If you believe the Holy Spirit is guiding your family toward OLR, please submit applications with confidence that our admissions team will prayerfully consider your student(s) for acceptance. The better we get to know your family along the way, the more confidence all involved will have that the Lord’s will has been done regardless of the outcome.

Eligibility for K4, K5, & 1st Grade

Students applying to Pre-Kindergarten (K4) must be 4 years old, Kindergarten (K5) must be 5 years old, and 1st Grade must be 6 years old by September 1 of that school year.

Students will be accepted into Kindergarten on a conditional basis with full acceptance contingent upon displayed readiness on the Kindergarten entrance test.
