Parent-Student Handbook

Table of Contents

Click a title below to jump to that section.


  • Mission Statement
  • Academic Credentials
  • General Information
  • Right to Amend
  • School History

Admissions Policies

  • Philosophy of Admission
  • Exceptional Needs
  • Non-Catholic Families
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Faithful Family Scholarship
  • Eligibility for Financial Aid
  • Enhanced Learning
  • The Enhanced Learning Advocacy Program
  • The Arrowsmith Program

Attendance Policies

  • School Hours
  • Late Arrival
  • Absences
  • Due to Illness or General Health
  • Due to Vacation
  • Early Dismissal
  • Medical Appointments

General Policies & Procedures

  • Campus Speed Limit
  • Morning Drop Off
  • Afternoon Carline
  • After Care
  • Communication
  • Family Contact Information
  • Student Records/Transcripts
  • Report Cards
  • Promotion and Retention
  • Textbooks & School Supplies
  • Personal Property on Campus
  • Visitors

Academic Program

  • Curriculum
  • Homework
  • Grading Scale
  • Standardized Testing
  • Arrowsmith Program

Student Behavior

  • Ordinary Infractions
  • Extraordinary Infractions
  • Detention
  • Bullying
  • Younger Students
  • On and Off Campus
  • School Manners
  • Computer/Internet Policy
  • Honor Code

Uniform Policies

Student Life

  • House System
  • Student Government
  • Class Parties
  • Field Trips
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Athletics Program

Parent-School Partnership

  • Cooperation
  • Communication
  • Parent-Teacher Organization
  • Family Volunteer Requirements
  • Advisory Council

Health & Safety

  • Illness
  • Immunizations
  • Medical Guidelines
  • Administration of Medication
  • Emergency Drills
  • Inclement Weather Policy
  • Delayed Dismissal Due to Weather
  • Safe Environment
  • Mandatory Reporting
  • Crisis Plan
  • Appendix A – DHEC Guidelines

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The faculty and staff of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School welcome you and your child to our community. The best interest of each student is the first consideration in all decisions made by the Pastor, Headmaster, teachers, and staff of the school. We hope this handbook will give you the information you need to have a successful school year. If after reading our school policy you find you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office at

Mission Statement

Under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mission of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School is to empower parents as the guardians of family life and the primary educators of their children. Our classical program complements the sacred work of the parish by forming joyful disciples of Jesus Christ, equipped with the knowledge, wisdom, and virtue to live out their vocations in accordance with the truth of the Catholic faith.

Academic Credentials

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School is a school within the Diocese of Charleston and a member of the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), as well as a Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) accredited academic institution.

General Information

The information contained in this handbook is for the sole purpose of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School and cannot be used for any purpose without the written permission of the Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School Administration. The policies included in this handbook apply equally to all students enrolled at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School unless otherwise stated. Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, or national origin in the administration of educational, admissions, and school-administered policies and programs. AHERA Asbestos Management Plan is on file in the school office. *Throughout this handbook OLR is substituted for Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School

Right to Amend

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School reserves the right to amend this Handbook at any time during the year. Notice of amendments will be sent to the parents via email.

School History

It all started in 1955. An auditorium/gym building was built which was intended to serve as a temporary church and school. Four Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity came from Stella Niagara, New York to begin Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School in September of 1955. By the spring of 1956, the new school building was completed. In 1963 an additional wing was added to the school to allow more adequate classroom space. Finally, in 1968 a decision was made to erect a library for the school. In 1969, with the closing of the Donaldson Air Force Base, a wooden barracks building was purchased by the parish and presently houses our K4 classroom as well as our Art classes. Father Bayard formed the first OLR School Board in order to help develop the children to the highest level possible, encouraging the integration of religious truths, scholastic achievement, and creativity. In 1975 the Reece Construction Co. was contracted to build a new Parish Center consisting of a gym and an unfinished upper level. In 1977 the unfinished upper level was divided into three classrooms forming our present Middle School. In 1987 the Sisters of Notre Dame announced they could no longer maintain Our Lady of the Rosary School. Sr. Carol Gnau, the school Headmaster bid a fond farewell to the upstate. Mr. Keith Darr became the first lay. Principal Mrs. Terri Parillo was the Assistant Headmaster, and both Mr. Darr and Mrs. Parillo continued the excellence associated with OLR. In 2017 the school formally petitioned the Diocese of Charleston to add an Upper School division to extend our education through 12th grade. That request received the Bishop’s approval in 2018, and in 2019 we welcomed our first cohort of Upper School students, the Founders. In the spring of 2023, we hope to graduate our first four-year class of Upper School students. These are the principals and headmasters who have led Our Lady of the Rosary from its founding to the present day. Sr. Carol Gnau Keith Darr Paul Herr Therese Gallivan Mary Louque Beverly Farley John Harrington Bobby Moreau Marianne Tully Thomas Curtin

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Admissions Policies

Philosophy of Admission

Our Lady of the Rosary School is a mission of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church. In consideration of this mission, we prioritize admission to families who:
  • Strive continually to live according to the teachings of the Catholic faith
  • Participate meaningfully in the life of our parish
  • Seek to enroll all their eligible children in our school
  • Model respectful partnership with our teachers and administration
Faithful implementation of the admission policy ensures that Our Lady of the Rosary School remains a community of Catholic families who are able to grow together in holiness and friendship within our parish during the years of their children’s education and beyond.

Exceptional Needs

For families meeting the above criteria, OLR will strive to offer the necessary support services to successfully welcome all their children, including those with exceptional learning needs. In many cases, the school may already have the necessary services available within our ordinary system of support. For extraordinary learning needs a conversation with the Headmaster and the Pastor will determine whether, in active partnership with the parents, we can design and implement a satisfactory support program.

Non-Catholic Families

Non-Catholic families are welcome to apply to Our Lady of the Rosary with the confidence that their application will receive fair and prayerful consideration. It is expected that non-Catholic families will also strive to live according to the teachings of the Catholic Church and will embrace opportunities to better understand the truth, goodness, and beauty of our Catholic faith.

Tuition and Fees

Please refer to the current tuition schedule included with the admissions packet, with the summer mailing, or by visiting the OLR website. The tuition policy/obligation form must be signed and returned to the office on or before the first day of school.

Faithful Family Scholarship

To support the Church’s teachings on openness to life and the importance of Catholic education, OLR offers the Faithful Family Scholarship (FFS) to families that enroll three or more children in the school for the same year. The FFS covers the tuition amount of all but the two oldest enrolled children. Annual per-child fees must still be paid. To be eligible to receive FFS a family must:
  • Be active parishioners of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church
  • Complete the standard FACTS financial aid assessment
  • Demonstrate a willingness to support the mission of the school according to their ability through gifts of time, talent, and treasure

Eligibility for Financial Aid

Our Lady of the Rosary places great value on keeping Catholic families together in the same parish/school community. This priority informs both our educational decisions and decisions regarding awards of financial aid. Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, families who elect to divide their children among multiple tuition-based private schools, including Catholic schools, will not be eligible to receive Our Lady of the Rosary School financial aid. Outside scholarships and financial aid opportunities (such as Exceptional SC) are not impacted by this policy, and we encourage families to take full advantage of them. This policy ensures that the limited resources available for financial aid in fact benefit those families most committed to OLR’s mission and do not instead operate to subsidize other tuition-based schools. The following exceptions apply to the above policy:
  • This policy change affects only new applicants to OLR School. Families already enrolled as of the 2019-2020 school year will be grandfathered into the previous policy for as long as their children are continuously enrolled.
  • If a family enrolls a child at another private school because OLR either does not offer that child’s grade level, has declined admission to the child, or has counseled the families against applying the child in the first place, the family is still eligible to apply for financial aid for any children who remain.
  • If a previously enrolled child leaves OLR at the request of the school, the family is still eligible to apply for financial aid for any children who remain.

Enhanced Learning

Catholic Educators were first called to include exceptional students in 1965 by the Gravissimum Educationis. Pope Paul VI clarifies that, in virtue of their dignity as human persons, have an inalienable right to education, adapted to their ability. This message for inclusion has been supported by each Pope and the US Council of Bishops. At Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School, we are doing our best to answer this call. Our Enhanced Learning and Arrowsmith Program opens the opportunity for many exceptional students to receive an excellent Catholic education. God calls us to serve all his children and it is beneficial to our school’s community and culture to have diverse students in balanced classrooms where every student can reach their full potential. Enhanced Learning and the Arrowsmith Program specifically help support our school’s mission by supporting parents as the primary educators of their children and by helping to form disciples of Jesus Christ, set free to realize their full potential by living joyfully in accordance with the truth revealed by God through nature and the Catholic Church.

The Enhanced Learning Advocacy Program

The Enhanced Learning Advocacy program supports gifted, exceptional, and twice-exceptional students. This includes things like honor projects for gifted students and academic support plans for struggling students. Enhanced Learning also coordinates with local organizations to support students within the school day and after school. These organizations have provided speech therapy, applied behavioral analysis aides (ABA) in the classroom, Orton-Gillingham tutoring, mental health counseling, and private academic tutoring on our school campus. The goal of the Enhanced Learning Advocacy Program at OLR is to support our mission by striving to offer families the necessary supportive services so every child in a family can be welcomed and successful at OLR. In many cases, OLR may already offer the necessary services within our ordinary system of support. Please contact the school office if you have a child who would benefit from the Enhanced Learning Advocacy Program.

The Arrowsmith Program

The Arrowsmith Program reduces suffering for students with academic struggles by increasing their ability to learn through a comprehensive approach rooted in neuroscience and cognitive exercises. The Arrowsmith Program is founded on neuro-scientific research and 40 years of experience that demonstrates positive results at the founding Arrowsmith Program School in Toronto, Canada, and in other Arrowsmith Programs across 10 countries throughout the world. The Arrowsmith Program uses cognitive exercises rooted in the principles of neuroscience to target and strengthen specific areas of the brain. As students strengthen these cognitive areas, they are better able to master academic content and skills critical to becoming confident and independent learners. The Arrowsmith Program at OLR is for students in 2nd grade through Upper School who struggle to reach their full academic potential due to mild to severe learning differences. The students in the Arrowsmith Program are recognized as respected children of God who have a specific purpose for their life. These students are encouraged to reach their potential in an environment where the students all share similar struggles and encourage each other be successful. Upon completion of the program, students are able to return to a full academic program with their peers, most students no longer need supportive services. The Arrowsmith Program students follow all the rules and guidelines listed in the OLR Parent/Student Handbook and the Arrowsmith Program Parent/Student Handbook. Additional registration forms are also required for enrollment in the Arrowsmith Program. OLR offers a selection of the Arrowsmith Program models. For more information about the Arrowsmith Program, please contact the school office. The Arrowsmith Program at OLR has limited availability due to balancing our classrooms so each student can be properly served and successful. Priority for placement in the Arrowsmith Program is given to currently enrolled OLR students and new Catholic families. All other placements are at the discretion of the OLR School Administration.

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Attendance Policies

School Hours

School hours are from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. On a half day, dismissal occurs at 12:00 PM.

Late Arrival

Students arriving after 8:00 AM must report to the school office, accompanied by a parent/guardian for a tardy slip. To minimize disruption, the tardy student will be allowed to rejoin their class only upon the conclusion of morning prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and classroom recitation exercises. Students arriving after 11:30 AM or dismissed for the day before 11:30 AM are considered absent for a half-day. If a student is absent, they are not eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities that day unless authorized by the Headmaster.


It is the right and responsibility of the parent to communicate with the school regarding the reasons for a student’s absence. If the parent has decided that their student should not attend school for reasons of illness or general health, and that decision is communicated to the school, the absence will be recorded as excused (*Please see the below state regulation for absence 11). In the absence of communication, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Parents should report absences to no later than 9:00 AM the day of the student’s absence. If a student’s frequent absence from school compromises the ability of the school to effectively educate the child, a conference will be scheduled to determine the best course of action for the school and family.

Due to Illness or General Health

All absences require a written excuse signed by a parent/guardian or doctor upon returning to class. While OLR does not require a doctor’s note every time a student is ill, please be advised that SC Code of Regulations – Chapter 43-274 stipulates that a child ages 6 to 17 years is considered truant when the child has three consecutive unlawful absences or a total of five unlawful absences. a parent may provide up to 10 parent notes excusing a student illness or an absence related to an immediate family member’s illness or death. *However, in order for any subsequent absence related to an illness to be lawful it must be supported by a physician statement/medical note. If you know your child will be absent ahead of time, please inform the teacher. Please email the school office 9:00 AM if a child will be absent. Parents are responsible to email the student’s teacher(s) directly for homework requests. Requests must be made by 9:00 AM in order for the teacher to have the homework/books prepared by the end of the school day. Students should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Students sent home during the school day with a fever will not be allowed to return to school the next day as this would not allow for the 24-hour protection of the entire school community.

Due to Vacation

For vacation absences, homework will be sent home when the student returns to school. Teachers are not required to give make-up tests or assignments due to vacation absences.

Early Dismissal

Parents must send in a note or email the teacher, copying requesting early dismissal by 8:00 AM that day. Parents should phone the office if the early dismissal is unplanned to give office staff ample time to retrieve students. Early dismissal should be limited to cases of genuine need. All parents are to notify a staff member and sign out each child they are picking up. Please be sure a staff member is aware of your presence. For safety reasons, verbal messages regarding student dismissal will not be accepted. Please notify the school office in writing if anyone other than a parent is to pick up a child from school or After Care. This person will be asked to provide photo identification before the child will be released. People designated on the student forms will be allowed to pick up your child in an emergency. Students WILL NOT be released to anyone not listed on the emergency list or the car-pool pick-up list without a written request.

Medical Appointments

Medical appointments should be scheduled outside of school hours when possible. Students will not be penalized for early dismissals or late arrivals due to a doctor’s appointment.

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General Policies & Procedures

Campus Speed Limit

Please observe 7 mph speed limit while driving on campus.

Morning Drop Off

When coming into the parking lot, please enter from the Frontage Rd. entrance and take the immediate left going around the horseshoe in order to avoid a backup onto Frontage Rd. Lower school students and their siblings should be dropped off in front of the lower school building. The lead car should pull all the way to the 5th-grade classroom and other cars should pull directly behind the car in front of them regardless of where the student’s homeroom class is located.

Classroom doors open at 7:40 AM Lower & Middle School students should not be dropped off before this time.

All students being dropped of in front of Lower school should exit cars on the passenger side closest to the Lower School sidewalk.

Middle and Upper School students dropped off in this line should walk on the crosswalk to their respective school buildings and proceed to class. K4 will be escorted to their classroom by faculty, staff, or patrols. Staff and volunteers will be available to assist all other students. 

(8/23/23 Revision) A change: If you are dropping off ONLY middle/upper school students, please veer to the left at the split (same route as pick up). You will still need to keep an eye out for crossing students as you move past the tree.

Parents, please refrain from using cell phones in the car line.

Afternoon Carline

Please use car signs to expedite dismissal for all families. Parents should turn left immediately upon entering from Frontage Rd., proceeding around the horseshoe to form two lines. In order to avoid a backup onto Frontage Rd, the lead two cars should pull close to the cones, and the following cars should pull close to the cars in front of them to avoid large gaps. Cell phone use is prohibited once dismissal begins.

The teacher on duty will signal when cars may proceed. Families with children in the Lower School will proceed to the right to pick up all of their children in front of the Lower School building. The lead car should pull all the way to the 5th-grade classroom and other cars should pull directly behind the car in front of them regardless of where their children are standing. Families who have only Middle or Upper School students will proceed to the left to pick up their students in front of Guadalupe Hall.

Cars leaving the Upper/Middle School should check to their right for drivers leaving the lower school before proceeding to exit to James Drive. Cars leaving the Lower School should check to their left before proceeding to James Drive. Parents who need to assist their children in car seats should pull over to the grassy area across from the Gym/Middle School to buckle their children in. Please use caution when existing James Drive, and look out for cars coming up the hills on either side!

After Care

Students who are not picked up by the end of carline will be sent to After Care. There is a 15-minute grace period before charges begin. At 3:15 PM students will be checked in and charges will begin ($1.50 per student for each 15-minute period). After Care ends at 6:00 PM. Late charges will apply for students not picked up by 6:00 PM.


Parents have access to faculty and staff via e-mail and by setting up conference appointments. Please allow 24-48 hours for a teacher to respond. For matters requiring immediate attention, please call the school office.

Electronic and other online communication will be used frequently. Parents may expect to receive general school information via the following:

  • Weekly E-Newsletter
  • Topical Email Blasts
  • Monthly Headmaster’s Letter
  • Text alertsIndividual teachers will communicate with parents and students through some combination of the following:
  • Homework Folder (for younger students)
  • Weekly Homeroom Email
  • Online Course Pages (Parents Web)

All homework for students in K5-4th grade will be communicated directly to parents in some way. Beginning in 5th grade, daily homework assignments will be written on the board and students will be trained to copy these into their agendas. Larger assignments, quizzes, and tests will still be communicated at least a week in advance via the online course pages.

Family Contact Information

It is the responsibility of parents and guardians to update their Family Portal with any changes of address, home telephone numbers, cell phone numbers, business phone numbers, email addresses and/or phone numbers of emergency contacts. This will guarantee that the office records are accurate and current

Student Records/Transcripts

Students/Parents requesting records must make a written request to the school office using this release form. Completed forms will be faxed or sent via email. No records will be sent to the requested school if financial commitments are not current.

Report Cards

Report cards are issued four times a year, at the conclusion of each quarter. Students K4-2nd grade will receive a paper copy. For students in 3rd grade and up an electronic copy will be emailed home. Hard copies are available upon request for any student.

Final report cards for students K4-2nd grade will receive a paper copy and for students in 3rd grade and up an electronic copy will be emailed home. Final report cards will be held at the end of the year for any student whose family has an outstanding financial balance with the school

Promotion and Retention

Advancement to the next grade is based on the student’s daily performance, attendance, test results, recommendations from teachers, and the student’s ability to complete work successfully on a more advanced level. Promotion to the next grade depends on successful completion of all subject areas. The administration may recommend the repetition of a grade. Tutoring or summer school classes may be recommended as a requirement for promotion when, after conferencing with teachers and parents, it is believed that such an action will better prepare the student academically or emotionally for the next grade.

Textbooks & School Supplies

Textbooks are furnished to students for their use during the school year. All books both hard copy and consumable MUST be covered and treated with respect. If books are lost or significantly damaged, the parent or guardian is responsible for the cost of replacement. Parents/guardians may purchase extra books for use at home.

All students in Grades K4 – 12 are required to have a book bag or backpack for transporting books and supplies, labeled with the student’s name. Students are responsible for providing their own supplies as needed for participation in the daily learning activities of their classes. Each teacher will provide parents with a list of the supplies needed for their class.

Personal Property on Campus

  • Please do not send items of value to school unless they serve an educational purpose. The school is not responsible for lost or left items.
  • Lost and Found items are housed in the elementary school bathroom and in the cafeteria.
  • All student clothing should be clearly labeled.
  • Unclaimed, non-labeled items will be donated to charity at the end of each quarter.
  • The school reserves the right to inspect book bags and lockers at will. Any and all electronic devices will be taken and a parent will be asked to retrieve the device.
  • Please do not send any money with your child that is more than needed for that day’s activities or the purchase of school items. All monies sent should be placed in a white envelope with the student/family name and purpose clearly written on the front.
  • Cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted at school during academic hours except by permission of the Headmaster. Outside of school hours, cell phones may be used only in the immediate presence of a staff member and with explicit permission.
  • School phones may be used for emergencies or pick-up times during extra-curricular
    activities (i.e. school dances, sporting events). Cell phones brought to school must be left in the school office and retrieved as needed. Phones may not be used during the event.


Parents, as well as other visitors, are always welcome at our school. All visitors must report to the school office to sign in and secure a badge. When departing they must also sign out at the office.

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Academic Program


Our Lady of the Rosary strives to integrate subject areas whenever possible and to teach in a way that promotes a growth mindset and makes learning attractive. We desire that students recognize the ways that the truth of our Catholic faith is evident throughout the curriculum, not simply when taught explicitly in religion class. The Diocesan curriculum guidelines are available upon request by any parent. At a minimum on a yearly basis each student (Arrowsmith excepted) will receive education in the following subjects:

  • Religion
  • English Language Arts
  •  Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Art
  • Music
  • P.E. (through 8th grade)
  • Theatre is taught in grades 3-10
  • Latin is taught in grades 4-10


Homework is assigned to reinforce classroom learning and should be completed and returned the day it is due. Parents should be involved in their child’s homework. The following are suggested homework time allotments per grade. In practice, students may take more or less time depending on the day and their own speed of work.

  • K4: N/A
  • K5: 15 minutes
  • Grades 1-2: 30 – 45 minutes
  • Grade 3: 45 – 60 minutes
  • Grade 4: 1 hour
  • Grade 5: 1-1.5 hours
  • Middle School: 1.5 hours
  • Upper School: 1.5-2 hours

Grading Scale

Students in grades K-4 through 2nd will receive standards-based report cards rather than numerical or letter grades. The purpose of this approach is to foster a love of learning while promoting content mastery. Standards-based report cards will provide parents with more meaningful feedback that will support their own reinforcement of necessary skills at home.

Grades 3-10

  • A = 90-100
  • B = 80-89
  • C = 70-79
  • D = 60-69
  • F = Below 59,
  • Unsatisfactory

PE, Art, Theatre, Music, and (4/5) Latin classes are graded as follows:

  • S = Satisfactory
  • U = Unsatisfactory

Effort/Attribute Key for Grades K4-8

  • O = Outstanding
  • S = Satisfactory
  • N = Needs Improvement
  • I = Improvement Demonstrated

*OLR follows the diocesan policy on academic promotion and retention.

Standardized Testing

As required by the Diocese of Charleston, Our Lady of the Rosary administers the MAP test to all students beginning in 1st grade. The test is computer-based and is taken at specified times during the months of September, January, and May.

Arrowsmith Program

The Arrowsmith Program is founded on neuro-scientific research and 30 years of experience demonstrating positive results at the Arrowsmith School and other Arrowsmith Programs throughout Canada, the United States, and other places throughout the world. The program strengthens weak cognitive skills that affect the ability to learn. The program is suitable for students with mild to severe learning difficulties. Upon completion of the program, students are able to return to a full academic program with their peers, most without special education assistance or program accommodations. Arrowsmith information is available in the school office.

The Arrowsmith Program is open first to students currently enrolled at OLR School, then to new students, and finally, to previously home-schooled students, at the discretion of the OLR School Administration. Tuition and fee schedules are available at the school office. Arrowsmith Program students follow all the policies and procedures listed in the Parent/Student Handbook. Students will also fill out an “Authorized Student Enrollment Form” and an “Arrowsmith Program Consent and Acknowledgment Form”. Students attend four forty-minute Arrowsmith sessions each day, and attend Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, and Religion within their own grade. The Arrowsmith Schedule listed in the OLR Academic Calendar will be followed.

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Student Behavior

OLR students are expected to conduct themselves in a way that at all times demonstrates the utmost love and respect for their school, teachers, classmates, and themselves. The well-behaved student does not merely avoid harming others within the school environment; he or she seeks actively to be Christ to others, to improve their experience through virtuous and charitable actions.

Each classroom teacher will reinforce this expectation by affirming positive actions and
providing immediate correction of actions that are inconsistent with OLR’s culture of love and

Ordinary Infractions

The following is a list of ordinary infractions that demonstrate a lack of appropriate respect for one’s school and neighbor.

  • Tardiness
  • Failure to wear the uniform properly
  • Class disruption
  • Eating in class without permission
  • Profane or disrespectful language
  • Violating the personal space of others
  • Talking back to an adult
  • Refusing to follow instructions
  • Littering and/or lack of care for the classroom
  • Unpreparedness for class
  • Chewing gum (unless an exception is granted due)
  • Reckless behavior that risks physical safety of others
  • Inappropriate use of technology, including gaming

Teachers will offer verbal corrections to students who commit ordinary infractions in good faith. Students who commit intentional or habitual ordinary infractions will be required to keep a written record of their behavior. If the student’s behavior does not improve, a detention will be awarded. If poor behavior persists a parent conference will be scheduled.

Extraordinary Infractions

The following is a list of extraordinary infractions that demonstrate a more serious disregard for the well-being of others or an attitude incompatible with OLR’s culture of love and respect.

  • Bullying
  • Extreme disrespect of authority
  • Physically attacking another student
  • Possession of weapons, cigarettes, vape pens or other illegal substances
  • Use of pornography on campus
  • Lying, cheating, and/or stealing
  • Sexual or racial harassment
  • Cutting class or walking off campus
  • Vandalism

All extraordinary infractions will be referred to the headmaster. Parents will be notified and a consequence determined. The severity of the consequence will depend on the nature and circumstances of the offence, the student’s level of maturity, and the student’s prior record of conduct. The consequences for an extraordinary infraction range from detention to expulsion.


Detention will take place weekly at an assigned place and time. Inconvenience to parents or siblings is not a sufficient reason for rescheduling detention. The missing of detention without prior authorization by the Headmaster results in the award of additional detention.


Bullying is the intentional use of one’s stronger position to negatively impact a weaker party. Generally, it is not a one-time occurrence but is rather an established pattern of interaction. Bullying may take a variety of forms including but not limited to physical, emotional, racial, and sexual. It may take place in person, through text message, or online. Teachers are expected to manage their classrooms in a way that minimizes the opportunity to bully and to keep a watchful eye for signs of it. OLR’s staff counselor regularly advises teachers on how best to combat bullying and address it effectively in their classrooms. Bullying is a serious matter, but not every mean or antisocial behavior rises to the level of bullying. Students who believe they or another student is being bullied should immediately share their concerns with a trusted staff member, ideally the headmaster. Students should avoid publicly accusing others of bullying but should trust the administration to make this determination after a thorough investigation of the circumstances. All accusations of bullying will be referred to the headmaster for investigation. The minimum consequence for confirmed bullying is a suspension from school. More flagrant bullying may result in the student’s expulsion.

Younger Students

The above disciplinary policy is intended to apply to students in grades 3 through 8. Students in Grades K4 through 2 will receive age-appropriate consequences as determined by their classroom teacher, recognizing that our first objective for our youngest students should be to teach them right from wrong in a way that is consistent with their level of responsibility and maturity.

Student Behavior On & Off Campus

Students at OLR are expected to show behavior that reflects Gospel values, being respectful of parents, teachers, school staff, and other students, both on and off campus. Parents are ultimately responsible to see that their child’s behavior is in line with school expectations and does not interfere with the education and experiences of other students. During the school day, students are to walk quietly in single file on the right side of the walkways and stairs, always being aware of the safety of others. Students are not to leave their classroom without permission and are to remain on school grounds during the school day. The school reserves the right to administer a disciplinary consequence up to and including expulsion for student behavior taking place off campus should that behavior egregiously violate school standards and become known to the public.

School Manners

The entire OLR school community wishes to promote a positive environment, exemplify mutual respect and compassion, and celebrate diversity while striving for academic excellence.

  • Good manners are expected to be used at all times.
  • Be welcoming and polite to all visitors.
  • Approach games, contests, and competitions with good sportsmanship.
  •  Develop good study habits.
  •  Keep our campus and classrooms clean.
  • Represent our school well on all field trips and extra-curricular activities.

Computer/Internet Policy

Computer and internet use on campus is designed solely for educational purposes including classroom activities, computer classes, and academic research for projects. In addition, all computer and internet activities conducted during normal school hours will be supervised by school personnel. Any unauthorized or inappropriate computer or internet use will result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the headmaster, assistant headmaster, and supervising teacher. Each student and parent/guardian is required to sign the Computer and Internet Use Policy and Agreement at the beginning of each school year.

Honor Code

The following honor code will be read, discussed, and signed by all faculty, staff, and students. This code will be displayed in the School Office and all classrooms.
As a member of Our Lady of the Rosary Community, I pledge the following in the spirit of God:

  • I will lead by example as Jesus did.
  • I will strive to make good choices in everything I do.
  •  I will work and play honestly and fairly.
  • I will show respect to all students and school property.
  • I will take responsibility for my own actions and choices.
  • I will do my own work to the best of my ability

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Student Life

House System

The OLR House System provides intramural opportunities for students to interact across grade levels, developing camaraderie and a healthy spirit of competition. Students are assigned at random to one of four houses – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – and will remain in that house through the years. Over time they will contribute to the traditions and memories of their house and transition into leadership opportunities.

Through the OLR House System, teachers will encourage students to live virtuously and for others. Acts of courage and kindness may be rewarded with house points, which the student applies their his or her house’s overall total. The houses that accumulate the most points quarterly or over the course of the whole school year will receive special recognitions and prizes.

2019-2020 was the inaugural year for this program. All grade-eligible new students will receive their house placements at an assembly toward the beginning of the school year.

Student Government

Students are given representation to address school issues that affect them and to promote activities and programs for the good of the student body. Elected officers are expected to be role models and must maintain a C average in every class and receive no more than three detentions in one semester. Officers are middle or upper school students elected by the OLR student body and include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Class Parties

Class parties (Halloween, Easter, etc.) are permitted at the discretion of the classroom teacher and should be scheduled so as to minimize disruption to the school day. Off-campus party invitations will be distributed by the teacher only if the invitations are to the entire class or all boys or all girls in the class.

Field Trips

  • Field Trips are designed to correlate with teaching units or other curricular goals.
  • Field trips are permissible for all grades as long as they insure an opportunity for successful learning.
  • Individual teachers, in consultation with the Headmaster, reserve the right to deny student participation on any field trip due to poor conduct.
  • A written official permission slip, signed by the parent, is required before a child will be permitted to attend all field trip activities. VERBAL PERMISSION CANNOT BE ACCEPTED.
  • A telephone call will not be accepted in lieu of the proper field trip permission slip.
  • A hand-written note will not be accepted in lieu of the proper field trip permission slip. THE DIOCESAN PERMISSION FORM IS THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE FIELD TRIP PERMISSION SLIP.
  • If the signed permission form is not submitted, the student will remain at the school office while the class goes on the field trip.
  • Parents may refuse to permit their child from participating in a field trip by stating so in writing. Students who do not attend a field trip will remain at home with the parent and will be marked absent for the day.
  • All monies collected for field trips are non-refundable.
  • Cell phones are not allowed on field trips unless authorized by the teacher and or the Administration.
  • Parents who chaperone on a field trip may not bring pre-school or school-age siblings on the field trip.

All chaperones must be 25 years of age or older.

Extracurricular Activities

A variety of extracurricular activities are available to students each year. Some are grade specific, while others are open to a range of ages. No student has an absolute right to participation and may be denied participation if they fail to meet academic or behavioral requirements.

Athletics Program

Sports teams at OLR compete in the Carolina Middle School Conference. The goals of our program are to develop teamwork, confidence, responsibility, character, and sportsmanship.

Winning is a goal of the program, but it is not the number one goal. Students who are members of a team can expect to play; however, they are not guaranteed playing time.

The head coach of each team makes decisions during practice and contests that he/she deems necessary. At times these decisions may not be popular with the athletes. Athletes may be suspended from one game as a result of disciplinary infractions. This decision will be made by the Headmaster and Head Coach.

OLR offers organized team sports for the middle school, and each student who participates must maintain a “C” average in each subject to be eligible to play. As a parent, you have the right to speak to the coach about your child. The conversations must be held during a scheduled appointment (not during/after practices or games). Our coaches, players, teams, and programs need your support. If you have challenges, talk to the coach, then the Athletic Director, then the Headmaster. You are asked to support the program, not undermine it with discontent. Good sportsmanship is always something we strive to exemplify as a player, coach, team, parent, fan, and school. Our program will not tolerate displays of poor sportsmanship during practices or games. If this type of behavior continues by a player, coach, parent, or fan they will be asked to leave the facility.

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Parent-School Partnership

OLR acknowledges in accordance with Catholic teaching that parents are the primary educators of their children. It is our privilege to be a trusted partner in this endeavor. The administration and staff of Our Lady of the Rosary commit to giving our best effort to make this partnership a successful, amicable one.

We ask that parents join us in this commitment by abiding by the following guidelines for cooperation and communication. Doing so will create an essential basis of trust that will benefit each student. Conversely, failure to follow these guidelines will undermine OLR’s ability to properly educate your child and could, in extreme cases, result in a family’s removal from the school


We ask parents to set rules, times, and limits so that their child:
  • Gets to bed early on school nights;
  • Arrives at school on time and is picked up on time at the end of the day;
  • Is dressed according to the school dress code;
  • Completes assignments on time
  • Has a nutritional snack and lunch every day.

Parents are expected:

  • To actively participate in school activities such as parent-teacher conferences
  • To notify the school with a written note for absence or tardiness
  • To notify the school office of any changes of address, phone numbers, emails, etc.
  • To meet all financial obligations to the school
  • To complete and return to school any requested information promptly
  • To read all school notes, emails, and newsletters
  • To support the religious and educational goals of the school
  • To attend Mass regularly with your child
  • To support the discipline policy of the school
  • To notify the school of any special situation regarding the student’s well-being, health, and safety


It is inevitable that at times parents will disagree with a decision made by a school administrator or teacher. Such a difference of opinion is not a sign of disloyalty but an opportunity for effective communication. If a parent believes a matter needs to be discussed and resolved, it is the responsibility of the parent to respectfully request a phone or in-person conversation with the staff member with whom they have the disagreement. Email may be used to schedule a conversation but is not the proper venue for resolving a dispute.

A parent who does not bring a disagreement to the attention of the school but instead introduces it in conversation with other parents undermines OLR’s expectation of partnership. If a disagreement is serious enough to discuss with another school family, it is serious enough to bring to the school’s attention. Conversely, if it is not serious enough to address to the school, it should not be discussed with anyone but immediate family members.

Likewise, it is unacceptable for parents to spread rumors about the school, regardless of whether the rumor is ultimately determined to be true or false. A parent who hears a rumor should contact the Headmaster for advisement.

All communication, whether over email or in person should model Catholic virtues of charity, patience, and respect. In a mission-driven community based on goodwill and shared values, the benefit of the doubt should always be given to teachers and parents alike.

Parents who violate these communication provisions will be asked to change their behavior or remove their family from the school.

Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) and Family Volunteer Requirements

Each school parent automatically joins the PTO upon their child’s enrollment at Our Lady of the Rosary. The PTO is run by parents in coordination with the school administration. It organizes special events for students and teachers and fundraisers for the school. The $25.00 PTO membership fee will be required in September of each school year. OLR School requires families to volunteer in order to keep tuition costs reasonable. The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) coordinates a volunteer program for the school through which parents provide needed services to the school.

Each school family is required to complete 40 volunteer service hours during the year. Families not meeting their annual requirement of volunteer hours will be billed $15 per missing service hour at the end of the school year.  The PTO By-laws are available in the school office. Please see PTO updated By-Laws for more information.

Volunteers for these services are solicited at the beginning of each school year and throughout the school year. All volunteers must be Safe Haven trained and background screened if they are planning to drive on field trips, substitute in the classroom, or volunteer to direct a school, club, or activity. This information and paperwork are sent home at the beginning of the school year for completion prior to any volunteer work. If in doubt, please follow screening procedures or call the school office for volunteer information. Parents may log 2 volunteer hours to complete paperwork & Safe Haven training.

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council supports the Pastor and Headmaster of OLR in the operation and planning of school programs. The Council’s activities and functions are subject to regulations that proceed from the Diocesan School Board. It is consultative in vote and non-governing in function.

The Advisory Council meets monthly. The right of non-members to address the board shall be limited to those whose petitions have been approved for the agenda in advance of the meeting. During the executive session of the meetings, only school board members are allowed. Non-board members may address the board at the beginning of the meeting. Any parent interested in becoming involved in the Advisory Council should contact the Headmaster directly.

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Health & Safety

OLR School employs the following as part of our effort to help ensure the health and safety of all students, staff, and campus visitors:

  • OLR has an active safety committee that meets as needed to review or discuss safety routines and issues.
  • A number of staff members are trained in CPR, First Aid, and Blood-borne Pathogens.
  • Safety drills are practiced on a regular basis.
  • Emergency forms must be completed and updated online by parents in the Family Portal. These forms contain important emergency contacts and student health information. Parents are required to keep emergency contact information current throughout the year. These forms will also be given to Morning Care and After Care Programs.
  • All visitors must sign-in upon arrival at the school office before entering any school building. A visitor’s tag will be issued to all visitors. Visitors must also sign-out.

Every classroom is equipped with a phone for contacting the office or dialing 911 in an emergency.

*ALL accidents or injuries on school property or while participating in a school activity at any location must be reported to the office and documented.


In the interest of maintaining a healthy school environment for all, students MUST be fever free (Less than 100 degrees without fever reducing medication) for 24 hours before returning to school. The same rule applies to all stomach issues (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea). Students who return to school during the 24-hour window may be sent home.


Students MUST follow the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control policies regarding required vaccinations. All immunizations must be current prior to the first day of school.

Medical Guidelines

All enrolled students must be toilet trained and be able to use the restroom without assistance.

The school follows all appropriate DHEC guidelines (please see Appendix A). Students with a temperature of 100 degrees or above will be sent home. This policy also applies to vomiting. Please be prepared to pick up your child if deemed necessary by the OLR staff.

If a student becomes ill at school, he/she should report to the office. The office will notify the parents if the student is too ill to remain in school. No student may leave school without authorization from the office.

Parents should notify the school immediately if their child has any type of communicable disease or condition that could affect the school population. Students who have any type of infectious or contagious disease must have a doctor’s note to return to school.

Administration of Medication

A completed Diocesan form for all prescriptions, as well as over-the-counter medications such as Benadryl, Ibuprofen, Mylanta, Tylenol, and cough drops, must accompany all medication. If it is a prescription medication and/or will be given for more than 5 days, it must be signed by a doctor. Inhaler Forms and Epipen Forms with Allergy Action Plan MUST be signed by a doctor.

With proper authorization, this medication can be dispensed by a member of the school staff. No medications will be accepted if not in a properly labeled container.

All medicines must come to the office; students are not permitted to keep medications in their possession. If a medicine is to be returned at the end of the day, a parent/guardian must come into the school office to pick it up.

Emergency Drills

State Law and the Department of Social Services require that fire drills be held monthly. Please see the OLR Safety Manual in the school office for further information.

Inclement Weather

OLR follows the Greenville County School District’s decisions on snow days, delayed starts, and early dismissal. Announcements concerning early dismissal or school cancellation due to heat, ice, or snow are communicated by text and email alerts and posted on the school website. Test and email alerts will always be used for announcements concerning a sudden change of school hours.

Delayed Dismissal Due to Weather

In the event of lightning, we will delay the dismissal process 5 minutes from the last occurrence of lightning. An announcement over walkie-talkies will call for delay – all students and staff will return to their classrooms, parents please remain in your vehicles. Middle School students will be in the elementary classrooms and/or cafeteria. Although not recommended, parents may, at their own discretion, leave their vehicles and proceed to their children’s classroom. Parents must sign children out with each child’s classroom teacher if they wish to have their child released during the delayed dismissal. Children will not be dismissed to the office; parents may only sign out their own child – no friends, relatives, or carpools will be released during the delayed dismissal.

An announcement from the office will re-start dismissal. Existing carpools and parent notes for releasing children will be honored once dismissal resumes.

In the event of stormy weather, dismissal may continue with directions given by the staff on car line duty. Please pay close attention to the directions (bullhorn).

Safe Environment

All adult volunteers who will be in direct contact with OLR students are required to complete the diocesan safe environment training and screening process. Please contact the office for additional information.

Any parent/guardian known to our diocese or school who is a parent or guardian of a child enrolled at our school and is listed on a sex offender registry is required to sign an agreement restricting that individual’s access to our campus. A list of those sex offenders, known to the school, whose child is enrolled, may be reviewed at the school office during normal school hours.

Mandatory Reporting

OLR School abides by the Child Abuse Laws of the State of South Carolina, which mandates that all cases of suspected child abuse/neglect be reported to Child Protective Services. Staff members are instructed to err on the side of student safety. In particular, the following observed circumstances may result in a report being filed: severe malnutrition, recurring cuts and bruises, excessively poor hygiene, and direct student reports of physical, sexual, or verbal abuse. Except in cases of direct student reports of abuse, school personnel will always first communicate concerns to the student’s parents. In these cases, a report will only be filed if communication with parents is not successful in producing positive change.

The identity of the staff member filing a Child Protective Services report in good conscience and consistent with legal requirements will be kept in confidence and not shared with parents.

Crisis Plan

In case of a lockdown emergency, OLR’s crisis plan will go into effect. All teachers and staff are aware of these procedures. If the lockdown situation presents the opportunity and need to safely evacuate the campus, students will be moved to the Home Depot store.


According to DHEC guidelines, students with the following conditions must be excluded from attendance:

  1. The student with symptoms of possible severe illness which may include (but are not limited to) fever, difficulty breathing, unusual lethargy, and unusually severe irritability.
  2. Fever, accompanied by behavior changes or other signs and symptoms of illness (sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, irritability, or confusion) until medical evaluation indicates inclusion is acceptable.
  3. Uncontrolled diarrhea (three or more loose stools in a 24-hour period) or stools that contain blood or mucus, until symptoms are resolved or medical evaluation indicates that inclusion is acceptable.
  4. Infection with Escherichia coli or other shiga-toxin producing coli, until diarrhea resolves and two stool cultures are negative. Medical note required for return.
  5. Shigella infection, until asymptomatic. Medical note required for return.
  6. Salmonella typhi (typhoid fever) infection. Exclude until 24 hours without a diarrhea stool.Medical note required for return.
  7. Rash with fever or behavioral change, until a physician has determined that the illness is not a communicable disease. Medical note required for return.
  8. Purulent conjunctivitis (defined as pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow eyedischarge, often with matted eyelids after sleep and eye pain or redness of the eyelids or skin surrounding the eye), until evaluated and treated. Medical note required for return. Note: Non-purulent conjunctivitis (defined as pink conjunctiva with a clear, watery eye discharge without fever, eye pain, or eyelid redness) does not require exclusion from school.
  9. Tuberculosis, until the local health department authority or treating physician, states that the student is non-infectious. Medical note required for return.
  10. Streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat) until afebrile and at least 24 hours after treatment has been initiated. Medical note required for return.
  11. Head lice from the end of the school day until after the first treatment. A parent note is required for return.
  12. Scabies, until after treatment has been applied. Medical note required.
  13. Impetigo, with lesions that cannot be covered, if part of a cluster of cases within a school orif there are drooling or hygienic concerns, until 24 hours after treatment has been initiated.
  14. Varicella (chickenpox) until all lesions have dried and crusted (usually six days).
  15. Varicella-Herpes Zoster (shingles) with lesions that cannot be covered, until lesions have crusted.
  16. Pertussis (whopping cough) until completion of five days of appropriate antibiotic therapy. Medical note required.
  17. Mumps, until nine days after onset of parotid gland swelling. Medical note required.
  18. Measles, until four days after onset of rash. Medical note required.
  19. Rubella, until seven days after onset of rash. Medical note required.
  20. Hepatitis A virus infection, until one week after onset of illness or jaundice. Medical note required.
Conditions or illnesses that a health care provider indicates warrant exclusion require a written medical note.
Children with the following conditions do not need to be excluded from school:
  1. Mild upper respiratory tract infection, even if it is associated with green or yellow nasal discharge, as long as the student does not have a fever or any of the other excludable symptoms described above.
  2. Fifth disease (parvovirus B19 infection). Individuals are no longer contagious once the rash appears, and they cannot be diagnosed with fifth disease before the rash appears.
  3. A red eye without a yellow or green discharge, fever, or matting.
  4. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection
  5. Croup
  6. Pneumonia
  7. A rash without a fever
  8. Bronchitis
  9. Ear infection
  10. Warts
  11. Pinworm
  12. Ringworm