David Haggard

David Haggard
Dean of Student Life - Upper School Engish, History, and Theology

M.A. Theology in Scripture, with a minor in Greek, from University of St. Thomas

Mr. Haggard comes to OLR following a ten-year career at Marist Catholic High School in Eugene, Oregon. He is a dynamic religion teacher, retreat leader, sports coach, and is the kind of person who loves to tackle new challenges. Mr. Haggard has a master’s degree in Theology and a minor in Greek. He is thrilled by OLR’s classical curriculum, and we are equally excited by his ability to contribute to it.

Mr. Haggard’s role will have two primary focuses. First, as Dean of Student Life he will have primary responsibility for jumpstarting and organizing sports programs, clubs, house activities, and retreats.  Second, he will teach religion classes, particularly at the Upper School level. Mr. Haggard’s educational background has also prepared him to teach Western Civilization, Latin, Logic, Rhetoric, and even Physical Education classes. Just not all in the same year!

Mr. Haggard is passionate about our Catholic faith. That passion, combined with boundless energy and new ideas, ensure that he will quickly make a positive mark on our growing school.
