Dr. Perlita Martorana

Dr. Perlita Martorana
Middle School Science, Religion and Upper School Science

M.D., UC San Diego | B.S., Biology, UCLA

A lifelong learner, Dr. Perlita Martorana holds a deep passion for education. As a young child, she thirsted to learn about science and pursued a career in medicine. Dr. Martorana loved her pediatrics practice but felt called to fully devote her time to forming her own children. Her zeal for teaching comes from over 20 years of home-educating her four children and other students.

She is delighted to share the wonder of God’s universe with young science scholars. She appreciates the value of learning science from a classical model which encourages students to become virtuous young people in God’s Kingdom while growing in appreciation of their world. She hopes to impart a sense of curiosity and a desire for lifelong learning to the students. She is a native Southern Californian and is grateful to be warmly welcomed in Greenville. She is thrilled to begin this new chapter of teaching at OLR.
